when it comes to maturity, even though erik erikson's developmental theory says that what separates a teenager from an adult is responsibility, i would supplement that concept of maturity with john stuart miller's harm principle.
the harm principle means that a person is allowed to do whatever they want in their life, as long as it doesn't harm others.
if a person doesn't internalize this and grow out of their intolerance, then you are mentally at the level of a primary school bully and that's fucking embarrassing. grow up.
this is also the reason why i fundamentally oppose religious conservatism. if a norm exists only because it hurts the feelings of believers and there's nothing really wrong with it, then it's a shitty norm that needs to be broken.
we live one life and it's not worth wasting it to please those who are stuck in primary school-level consciousness.
cringe culture is dead to all those who aren't as backward as you.