i am victim of child sexual abuse so it's pretty obvious why i put this on my dni.

MAP activists were rampant on twitter during years 2018-2020. eventually twitter banned all related hashtags.

MAP activists were pedophiles who tried through classic NAMBLA rhetoric to get into LGBT+ community. they had their own "pride flag".

first it was a 4chan trolling campaign. until the real pedophiles came, posted cp and were clearly assosiated with traditional pedophile activist groups.

there were two groups, pro contact MAPs and NOMAPs. MAP stands for minor attracted person. "NO" means non-offending.

pro contact MAPs were pedophiles who used mental acrobatics to explain why sex with a minor is ok. they used pseudo-scientific arguments familiar from NAMBLA and dark web discussions that the child would be developed enough for sexual intercourse if it is raised "in a sexually safe environment, taking into account the child's development". that if a child is traumatized by sex, then you're just a shitty pedophile who uses the child to his advantage and doesn't develop a genuine relationship with them. they just openly said that yeah having "relationship" with a child is perfectly fine, CP shouldn't be illegal and child marriage should be a thing.

NOMAPs were pedophiles who didn't want to break the law, but still wanted to be part of the LGBT+ community by associating with MAP activism.

i have no problems with whether someone is a pedophile or not, because it is not a matter of choice, so it cannot be considered a moral question. a pedophile is born and it shows in the structure of the brain. i consider such people stupid who think even on a hypothetical level that it is a choice. why would anyone voluntarily choose to be the most hated person in the world?

in all honesty, i'm not interested in the proshipper discourse at all. i believe that everyone has freedom and responsibility for their actions. if someone starts abusing children inspired by art, then you can't blame the art but the pedophile himself. if a pedophile wants to perform sexuality, i couldn't be less interested in how it is performed, as long as one does not watch real child porn or abuse children.

the only thing i have a problem with are the kind of pedophiles who knowingly seek out children and teenagers and try to normalize their sexuality to the point of legalizing child abuse. pedos will never be part of LGBT+ because you cannot fulfill your sexual fantasies under any circumstances. you can't date a minor. it's not on the same line with other attractions.

i feel sympathy for those who are afraid of themselves and seek sex therapy to talk about distressing nature of their paraphilia, but not for those who want to normalize the sexual abuse of children.